Friday, July 24, 2009

I want to live like this

Inspired again by Ted who left me an encouraging comment and is blessed to have Dr. Calver as a pastor, I have to share more about Dr. Clive Calver's book entitled "Dying to Live." I don't want to misinterpret anything in the book so for the most part I will quote directly from it. It's just that good!

If you are a Christian, do you feel like something is missing in your walk with Christ? Do you feel you need to do more for Him?

The other week at church we sang a worship song that said, "I'm alive because I'm alive in You." Is there something wrong in that statement? What does that mean really?

Are you working hard trying to be what you think God wants you to be? Are you satisfied with your progress?

"For far too long we have been presented with a version of the Christian faith that majors on what we get rather than what we give. The cross has been portrayed as the place where Jesus died for us and where we receive from him, but rarely is it shown as the location of our joint crucifixion with Christ."

Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

Luke 14:33 "Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."

Matthew 16:25 "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

Ok, here it is. It's simple really. We do NOT live for Christ. We do NOT strive to do more and more for Him. We do NOT only come to the cross and receive.

When we come to the cross and receive the blessed gift of salvation, we must die to ourselves and allow Christ to live through us! That means that it's not about what you can do for Christ at all. It's all about what He can do through you if you are willing to let go of your desires, dreams, and goals and let Him who knows you and made you and has a huge plan for the world, live through you.

How did I miss that before? I've been to church since I was born but have never got that. Why? I'm frustrated by this.

I believe the church has been brainwashed by the American culture of "me first." "What can I get out of this?" "What's in it for me?" "I need...(fill in the blank)" "I couldn't possibly...(fill in the blank)"

When will this end? Is this why Jesus died?

"On the cross Jesus gave the supreme example of crucified love. Despite wrestling with indecision in the garden of Gethsemane, his conclusion was complete. "Not my will, but yours be done. (luke 22:24) There was no compromise. That is the character of the crucified life.

Not content merely to know what is right, such a life must always live out that understanding. It was love that took Jesus to a cross. There was nothing in His life that deserved punishment. His compassion reached out to us, so it is not surprising that He expects compassion and sacrifice from His disciples today. When we fail to lie up to His example, we discredit our Lord, and we can give the impression that Christians are no different from anyone else." Ouch!

So am I "alive because I'm alive in You?" No, I am alive because You are alive in me! Totally different. It's all about Him and nothing at all about me...that's the reality.

This is so convicting to me. But I know it is right.

If we all lived our lives this way...would our world look any different??

Sorry if this is super heavy but it is on my heart and busting to get out.

Oh, and I'm only 1/2 done with the book!

Tonight is Blaine and my 25th high school class reunion...yep we're that old! Better get ready.



  1. What a great post! Thank you, it's a lesson I have been learning recently as well.

  2. Laura,
    I think you and I are being convicted of the same thing. I can't get away from it and frankly, I don't want to. We must die to self and live for Christ.
    I have not read this book but it sounds like it is along the lines of everything else I am reading lately.
    Preach it Sister!

  3. love you Laura! Glad for the continued updates and sharing of faith. I hope your Ethiopian food turned out great the other night, and remind me to share with you a story about my church and the elderly ethiopian man we were blessed to meet today.
