Friday, April 17, 2009

2 Weeks Ago

As I woke up this morning, I remembered back 2 weeks ago today and what a different day it was than any other had ever been.  When we went to bed Thursday night, the kids were preparing to go to school the next day, Blaine was prepared to go to work, and I was wondering how I would tell my friend, Angie (who I work out with every Friday) that we were adopting again.  (We both have 4 kids and *sometimes* while on the treadmill, talk about how busy our lives are!)  Never did we imagine that a couple hours later our house would be on fire and we would be running out to escape the smoke.  Life can sure change instantly.

I know this will make us a stronger family, corporately and individually.  We are learning how to empathize with others who are going through difficulty.  The one thing I've learned is to be sure to be the one who calls, emails or sends a card when someone you know has a crisis.  For some reason, it means an enormous amount.  We sure appreciate all the prayers, assistance, offers, gifts, meals, help and kind words offered to us.  

It looks like most of our pictures on our computers were able to be saved.  The Geek Squad was able to mirror our hard drives.  We got them back yesterday and it is pretty promising.  One thing that we found that we had on computer is a short video of Mihiretu, taken about 2 weeks after we were home.  It's hilarious!!  His accent is strong and his English is very limited.   He's eating lunch (Ethiopian wat -like a lentil stew- on a tortilla because I didn't have any injera -Ethiopian bread.)  He's wearing a snowboarding helmet at the table,  just because he thought it was cool, I guess.  I'm going to get Blaine to post in here so you can see it.  Then after watching it, if any one of you does not run to your nearest adoption agency to adopt a 4 year old boy, I'm not too sure what to think!  It's adorable.

We are excited and thinking about our next adoption.  I'm planning on having the application filled out and ready to mail the day we move back into our house.  It breaks my heart that our daughter has to remain without a family for another 6 months.  We don't know why this is but trust that God in His perfect timing has it under control.  I am learning a lot of patience during this time and I'm sure that will come in handy in the future:).



  1. I am so sorry you have had this set back... pretty big one! yuck! You are in my prayers! So glad that you video and pics on the computer were saved! I look forward to watching the video, although I laready have the worlds cutest Ethiopian 4 yr
