Saturday, January 23, 2010

2 more weeks

I was really hoping to be able to share Tarikwa's new name with you today but at this point are still awaiting the letter that was sent off to us on Tuesday. It must be coming today! You will remember that in the last letter we sent her, we told her the name we'd chosen for her middle name and per her request to change her name, asked her if she'd like the name we'd chosen for her first name. So we're waiting to hear what she thinks.

In 2 short weeks from today, Katie and I will be leaving for Ethiopia! I got the suitcases out last week and have begun packing. Tarikwa's stuff is almost all packed. I had to bring more pants than I normally would because I'm not sure what will fit her. So we have jeans, sweats and yoga type pants. Surely something will work. Katie picked out Nike's for her last weekend when we went shopping. I'm so glad I have a teenager to help me with these things because I probably would have picked out some dorky shoes. These are definitely NOT dorky! They're high tops with grey, pink and blue on them. Katie assures me that if Tarikwa doesn't like them, she would love to take them off her hands (or feet!). They're the same size in shoes and Katie is excited to double her shoe and boot inventory!

I did some shopping at Target yesterday and picked up some travel items. It feels good to continue to make progress on my list. This trip isn't like a trip to the cabin where if you forget something, there is a Target 20 minutes away. Big deal! No, if you forget something when going to Ethiopia, too bad for you! And as most as you know, detail oriented I am not! But I'm really trying.

The agency we used when we adopted the boys was very detail oriented and sent us letters and lists so I knew I wasn't forgetting anything. Our new agency is a little more on your own, which isn't the best for me. I need hand-holding! At least we've done this before, which should help!

We normally would have our Bible study group friends over for a Super Bowl party but it turns out that Katie and I flying over who-knows-where during the Super Bowl, our friend Kevin will be biking around Thailand and Mark and Lisa will be cruising around the Caribbean. So we've decided to have a Play Off Party this Sunday in lieu of a Super Bowl party! It normally wouldn't matter quite so much if our VIKINGS weren't going to the Super Bowl, which they WILL be!

I'll update as soon as we receive the letter from Tarikwa!



  1. Yeah I can't to hear her new name!

    AND TO MEET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Holding on to Him for my life!

    I love you!

  2. I meant "can't wait to hear her new name" oops!

    My mind is a flurry of things needing to get done before tomorrow let alone next week! LOL!

    Hugs sweet friend!


  3. I know that you are soooo excited! I am so happy for you!
