Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The workers continue to make progress on our house!  The roof is about half done, maybe a little more.  The half that's done is even shingled!  It looks great.

Blaine came home last night and told me they got "my wall" built yesterday...the one that extends the kitchen by 2 feet.  Of course, we had to go out to see it as soon as dinner was finished.  It really does look bigger and I think it will make a big difference in the layout of the kitchen.  I am so thankful to have this.  I have a pic and will post it later.  

Last night, I began looking through the pile in the garage of stuff we took from the house.  At the time the week after the fire, I just wanted to take some things and not let the restoration company have them.  Stuff like some wooden elephants we got in Ethiopia, important papers, files, and my precious recipe box. This recipe box was a basket with a lid and when I found it in the kitchen after the fire, I had little hope for what was inside.  It was so charred.  To my delight, the recipes inside were intact but very dirty looking and smelled of smoke.  I was going to recopy them and decided last night, I was ready to take the box in and take a look.  We spent an hour searching for it.  It appears to be no where.  As minor as this sounds, please pray that we'd find it.  It is very special to me.

Also, as long as you're praying please pray for my brother and sister in law who left yesterday from Washington on their long journey to the midwest to live nearby family.  Pray for safety and good travels.  I now can relate with them how it feels to be displaced.  Pray for their transition.  We look forward to being together with them!


1 comment:

  1. I will certainly say prayers that you find the box. And for the trasition of your brother and sister in law. I haven't moved in YEARS so I am sure the transition is going to take adjustment. YAY for progress as well. ;o)
